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SKM 500 G4

功能强大的手持式发射器,采用轻型黑色铝制外壳,可提升带宽和传输功率,在世界上超大型直播舞台上亦可游刃有余。 适用于升级版无线G4 500系列系统。

  • 您可选择Sennheiser享有盛誉的e935、e945、e965音头

  • 发射器和接收器之间通过红外线实现轻松灵活的无线同步

  • 最多32个兼容通道

  • 最高88 MHz带宽,带3520个可选择的频率,可在稳定的UHF范围内完全调谐

  • 针对无线系统管理器(WSM)控制软件的以太网连接,在多通道布置环境中实现先进的频率协调

  • 高RF输出功率(最高50 W,可采用10/30/50三种步长调节)取决于所在国家的法规

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  • SKM 500 G4手持式发射器
  • MZQ 1麦克风固定夹
  • 2节AA电池
  • 收纳袋
  • 简要说明
  • 安全提示
  • 制造商声明表单
Discontinued Article Numbers

SKM 500 G4-AS (Assembled in USA): 508121, SKM 500 G4-K+ (Made in Germany): 507782, SKM 500 G4-JB (Assembled in USA): 508122, SKM 500 G4-GBW (Made in Germany): 507783, SKM 500 G4-GW (Made in Germany): 507784, SKM 500 G4-GW (Assembled in USA): 508123, SKM 500 G4-BW (Made in Germany): 507785, SKM 500 G4-BW (Assembled in USA): 508124, SKM 500 G4-CW (Made in Germany): 507786, SKM 500 G4-CW (Assembled in USA): 508125, SKM 500 G4-DW (Made in Germany): 507787, SKM 500 G4-DW (Assembled in USA): 508126, SKM 500 G4-AW+ (Made in Germany): 508414, SKM 500 G4-AW+ (Assembled in USA): 508435, SKM 500 G4-GW1 (Assembled in USA): 508456

Product Support Phone

Product Phone


  • 频率表
    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range Dw: 790 - 865 MHz (160 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range Dw: 790 - 865 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range JB: 806 - 810 MHz (120 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range JB: 806 - 810 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range Bw: 626 - 698 MHz (170 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range Bw: 626 - 698 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range K+: 925 - 937.5 MHz (160 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range K+: 925 - 937.5 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range Gw1: 558 - 608 MHz (160 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range Gw1: 558 - 608 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range Cw: 718 - 790 MHz (160 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range Cw: 718 - 790 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range Aw+: 470 - 558 MHz (160 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range Aw+: 470 - 558 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range GBw: 606 - 678 MHz (160 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range GBw: 606 - 678 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range Gw: 558 - 626 MHz (160 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range Gw: 558 - 626 MHz

    • Frequency sheet ew 300-500 G4 - Range AS: 520 - 558 MHz (170 KB) 下载

      Information on the frequency presets used in the ew 300-500 G4 series devices. Range AS: 520 - 558 MHz

  • 电子宣传册
    • Product brochure ew G4 series (4 MB) 下载

  • 规格表
    • Product Specification SKM 500 G4 (170 KB) 下载

      Product specification sheet for the SKM 500 G4 handheld transmitter of the ew 500 G4 series.

    • Product Specification ew 500 G4-935/945/965 (270 KB) 下载

      Product specification sheet for the ew 500 G4-935, ew 500 G4-945 and ew 500 G4-965 sets of the ew 500 G4 series.

    • Product Specification ew 500 G4-KK205 (270 KB) 下载

  • 欧盟符合性声明
    • EU Declaration of Conformity ew G4 (570 KB) 下载

      EU Declaration of Conformity: EM 100 G4, EM 300-500 G4, EK 100 G4, EK 500 G4, SKM 100 G4, SKM 100 G4-S, SKM 300 G4, SKM 500 G4, SK 100 G4, SK 300 G4, SK 500 G4, SKP 100 G4, SKP 500 G4

  • 使用说明书
    • Instruction manual ew 300-500 G4 (HTML) 下载

      Interactive instruction manual for all products of the Sennheiser ew 300-500 G4 series: EM 300-500 G4, SKM 300 G4, SK 300 G4, SKM 500 G4, SK 500 G4, ASA 214.

    • Instruction manual ew 500 P G4 (HTML) 下载

      Interactive instruction manual for all products of the Sennheiser ew 500 P G4 series: EK 500 G4, SKM 500 G4, SK 500 G4, SKP 500 G4.

    • Instruction manual ew 300-500 G4 (PDF) (13 MB) 下载

      Printable PDF version of the interactive instruction manual for the ew 300 G4 and ew 500 G4 series.

    • Instruction manual ew 500 P G4 (PDF) (3.2 MB) 下载

      Printable PDF version of the interactive instruction manual for the ew 500 P G4 series.

  • 快速指南
    • Quick Guide ew 100 P G4 & ew 500 P G4 (930 KB) 下载

      PDF version of the printed quick guide of the ew 100 P G4 and ew 500 P G4 series

    • Quick Guide ew 300-500 G4 (2.9 MB) 下载

      PDF version of the printed quick guide of the ew 300-500 G4 series

  • 安全提示和监管信息
    • Safety Instructions ew G4 (550 KB) 下载

    • Specifications and Manufacturer Declarations - ew G4 (1000 KB) 下载

      PDF version of the printed specifcations sheet of the ew G4 series

  • 应用软件
    • Wireless Systems Manager - Version - Windows 下载

      System requirements for Windows: Windows 10 32/64 bit -- 8 GB RAM

    • Wireless Systems Manager - Version - macOS 下载

      System requirements for Mac: macOS Monterey 12 -- macOS Ventura 13 -- 8 GB RAM