SKM 9000

Sennheiser Star Rating

5.0 (1) 评测

世界一流的数字手持式发射器。惊人的动态范围。兼容G3和2000系列话筒头,两个Neumann话筒头(KK 204和KK 205),和若干Digital 9000专享的话筒头。
SKM 9000

Sennheiser Star Rating

5.0 (1) 评测

能够提供卓越清晰度体验的SKM 9000,作为一款世界顶级数字式手持发射机已经做好了迎接任何挑战的准备。SKM 9000与革命(evolution)无线系统G3和2000系列的传声器极头完全兼容,其中包括诺音曼Neumann KK 204和KK 205传声器极头。三款新推出的极头——ME 9002、ME 9004和ME 9005——都采用了一种新型的防震设计,以实现性能卓越的低触碰噪声,从而具有更低的口喷灵敏度以及固定极化电容传声器的声学透明性。MD 9235动圈式极头可以优先选择作为大声级现场扩声系统的使用。SKM 9000的数字音频传输提供了令人惊异的大动态范围,并且在与有线传声器共同使用的情况下,它也是一种理想的解决方案。没有干扰并且没有压缩的数字信号传输能够完美地与线缆传输的声音相匹配。可更换的电池单元采用环保式锂离子技术,在提供所需能量供应的同时,还避免了产品在其使用过程中数以千计的电池消耗。

  • 大范围声学极头解决方案的选择满足各种应用的需求

  • 专业级的实际操控和声音质量

  • 4款Digital 9000系列传声器专属极头提供了较低的触碰噪声和口喷灵敏度

  • 与革命无线G3/2000系列传声器极头以及诺音曼Neumann KK 200系列传声器极头完全兼容

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Sennheiser Star Rating

5.0 (1) 评测

100.0% of Reviewers Would Recommend this product to a friend

  • 张显强

    Sennheiser Star Rating











  • SKM 9000
  • 1 Microphone clamp MZQ 9000
  • 1 Supplement "Framework requirements and restrictions on frequency usage"
  • 1 Instruction manual

Product Support Phone

Product Phone

  • What are the operating frequency ranges of the different wireless microphone systems?

  • What frequency can I use outside of the United States?

    There are no universal rules which govern the use of wireless microphone equipment globally. The rules and regulations regarding which frequencies are allowed for wireless microphones vary widely by country. All Sennheiser products that are sold in the US are congruent to the US rules and regulations as mandated by the FCC.

    We can provide information regarding rules and regulations for the US, however because rules and regulations vary from country to country, we cannot advise which frequencies to use outside of the US. Unfortunately there is no universal database that contains all this information. 

    For information about the rules and regulations for a specific country it is recommended that you directly contact the embassy of the country in question to find out the rules and regulations or contact the Sennheiser subsidiary or partner company in the country in question.  You can find contact details for these subsidiaries and partner companies here: (

  • Why is it illegal to use wireless microphones in the 700 MHz range in the USA?

    In June 2010 the FCC instituted regulations that made it illegal to operate wireless microphones within the 700 MHz frequency range in the United States.

    With the transition to digital television TV broadcasters vacated a large section of the UHF spectrum (from 698 to 806 MHz) so the FCC auctioned the 700 MHz band to the highest bidders (including AT&T and Qualcomm) to facilitate the development of wireless broadband Internet service throughout the United States. In addition, the FCC has reserved select frequencies in the 700 MHz band for emergency and national security purposes.

    NOTE: The FCC is the Government agency tasked to regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. The FCC sets the guidelines and regulations for all broadcast equipment (including wireless microphones).


  • 使用说明书
    • 使用说明书 Digital 9000 System (7.8 MB) 下载

    • 使用说明书 SKM 9000 (880 KB) 下载

  • 欧盟符合性声明
    • EU Declaration of conformity BA 60 / BA 61 (470 KB) 下载

    • EU Declaration of conformity L 60 (330 KB) 下载

    • EU Declaration of Conformity SKM 6000 / SKM 9000 / SKM 9000 COM (350 KB) 下载

  • 技术图纸
    • Outline dimensions SKM 9000 (PDF) (350 KB) 下载

  • 应用软件
    • Sennheiser Transmitter Manager - Version 4.1 - Windows (3.6 MB) 下载

    • Wireless Systems Manager - Version - Windows 下载

      System requirements for Windows: Windows 10 32/64 bit -- 8 GB RAM

    • Wireless Systems Manager - Version - macOS 下载

      System requirements for Mac: macOS Monterey 12 -- macOS Ventura 13 -- 8 GB RAM

  • 固件更新
    • Digital 9000 Firmware Package (SENNPKG) - Version 4.0.1 (29 MB) 下载

      Firmware version 4.0.1 for Digital 9000

  • 安全提示和监管信息
    • Specifications, manufacturer declarations and regulatory information - Digital 9000 series (1.2 MB) 下载

  • 发行说明
    • Release Notes - Sennheiser Transmitter Manager Version 4.1 (110 KB) 下载

  • 频率表
    • Sennheiser Frequency Ranges ITU Region 1 Europa (57 KB) 下载