Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT)

Revolutionizing Hybrid Learning at KIIT: The Transformative Impact of TeamConnect Ceiling 2 on the Smart Campus Experience

The challenge:

Post-COVID, the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) needed smart hybrid class solutions for their remote courses that would make students and teachers alike feel as if they shared a common classroom.

The solution:

TeamConnect Ceiling 2 (TCC 2) was the ideal fit for KIIT’s requirements, offering exceptional audio quality and performance. That’s why KIIT decided to deploy more than 150 units of TCC 2 across the entire campus.

Revolutionizing Hybrid Learning at KIIT: The Transformative Impact of TeamConnect Ceiling 2 on the Smart Campus Experience
  • Customer Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT)
  • Products installed 150+ units of TCC 2
  • 网站 https://kiit.ac.in/
  • Country India
  • Industry Education
  • Profile Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) has become a sought-after destination in India for professional studies. It is renowned for the quality of its academic courses, its community outreach work and as a university of compassion and humanitarianism. No other educational institution in India has grown in its scope and scale as much as KIIT has in a short span of 25 years.

SOUL (Sustainable Outreach Universal Leadership Limited), headquartered at Bhubaneswar, India provides state of the art solutions mainly in education, health care, skill development, rural development, agriculture etc. In their search for a high-end AV solution for remote classes, SOUL approached Sennheiser for the audio solutions.

Since 2020, KIIT had the goal to create a smart campus by cooperating with different partners and brands. Sasmita Samanta, Vice Chancellor of KIIT, emphasizes the importance of TCC 2 in this approach of achieving outstanding quality in higher education. “I am very happy that Sennheiser has provided the AV system on the campus which is working well and is contributing substantially to the upgradation of values in our academic system on the campus.”

When you talk about a hybrid class solution, it’s all about the feeling – and the feeling comes from the audio.

- Satya Narayan Mahapatra, Chief Business Officer at SOUL  -

Satya Narayan Mahapatra, Chief Business Officer at SOUL, outlines the importance of audio quality for an ideal hybrid learning experience for students and faculty in the digital era where teachers and students can join remote classes from anywhere in the world. “When you talk about a hybrid class solution, it’s all about the feeling – and the feeling comes from the audio.” Dr. Pradeep Kumar Mallick, Associate Professor at KIIT’s School of Computer Engineering, shares his experience of teaching remote classes and is enthusiastic about the outstanding speech intelligibility of TCC 2. “The clarity is very good, and the students feel like they are in a physical classroom. That’s why we are appreciating the solution from Sennheiser.”

But not only the KIIT staff is very content with the installation of TCC 2 at the smart campus of KIIT. For Avishek Mukherjee, Sales Manager East India and Bangladesh at Sennheiser, this project stands out as it is the perfect example of successful key account management. “In 2021, we did a successful proof of concept at KIIT with our TeamConnect Ceiling Solutions. Immediately after which we got the first phase order of four classrooms, followed by 40 classrooms in phase two. In 2022, we got the biggest order of the year for 100 classrooms. Today, we have 150 plus live classrooms running with Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling solutions at KIIT”.

Learn more about TeamConnect Ceiling Solutions and other Sennheiser Education Solutions.