Paul Geluso是一名混音工程师、母带制作工程师、制作人以及上百首音乐和电影主题音乐的作曲家。作为一名作曲家和声音设计师,他的作品已经在全球范围内巡展,并且获得了纽约州立委员会为Arts and Meet The Composer活动的支持。
Małgorzata Albińska
Małgorzata Albińska-Frank是一名波兰音频工程师和音乐制作人。她在华沙的 Fryderyk Chopin音乐学院学习音乐制作和声音设计。1989年她从高中毕业之后,就开始了其音频工程师、录音助理和音乐制作人的职业生涯,最初是在华沙,随后前往了瑞士和德国。从1993年开始,她就在瑞士巴塞尔的FHNW音乐学院进行录音技术课程的教学工作,同时定居在那里。
György Mohai是一名活跃在匈牙利布达佩斯的音响工程师、混音工程师和音响设计师。也是匈牙利音响工程师年轻一代之中的佼佼者。他在孩童时期就开始了音乐方面的学习,并且在Kőbánya音乐学校的爵士声乐专业进行了深造,得到了许多著名匈牙利音乐家的指点和帮助。在2010年,他获得了影视戏剧艺术大学的音响导演学士学位,这所大学也是他之后经常回去进行讲座的地方。
Ulrike Anderson
Ulrike Anderson, née Schwarz, is a sound engineer and producer of acoustic music in the radio, television and recording industries. Her recordings have received multiple German and international nominations and awards. Her recordings have received two Echo Klassik Awards, Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenindustrie, Ars Acoustica, Diapason d’Or, a Grammy Nomination and many others.
Radio France
Aziz Berk Erten
Aziz Berk Erten是一名伊斯坦布尔的当地音频工程师,主要从事现场和录音棚音乐制作工作。他曾经为土耳其的多位顶级艺术家进行录音、混音和现场演出制作。
Phonomatik Lab
Phonomatik Lab诞生于其创始人 Erik Satie的一个简单的想法:“为了保护在各种介质上的音乐”。为了实现这一梦想,我们使用了双耳立体声技术,并且在Music Inside Records上发布我们的作品。
Paulo Castanheiro is a sound designer at Media Capital Radios in Portugal, a podcasts producer responsible for the audio contents at iNOVA Media Lab and an applied research lab at NOVA University of Lisbon.
Henrik Oppermann
Henrik Oppermann是Visualise公司的音频部门的负责人。他是一位知名的3D音频专家,Henrik将会分享他在电影、广告、音乐产业客户以及3D音响安装等方面工作的数十年以来的现场录音经验。
Côme Jalibert在2002年作为一名音响工程师和音响设计师开始工作。他对于沉浸感声音效果非常着迷,并且做了大量的环绕声实验。通过这些工作,他希望声音除了听之外应该更关注于感受。他一直致力于电影、电视的声音制作,最近则更多专注于众多视频游戏、媒体转换和VR等工作。他的工作包括为电影Minuscule, The Valley of the Lost Ants担任音响设计,以及Phallaina的声场空间创造,用于触摸屏的第一部滚动式图像小说。
Nicolas Büchi
Nicolas Büchi (*1982)是苏黎世大学艺术学院设计系塑形/视听媒体专业的一名科技研究员。在其塑形专业领域工作的过程中,以及通过他自己的Winterlife: All area media services公司,他在VR内容节目制作中获得了丰富的经验。他和位于ZHdK的音乐系游戏设计项目以及现代艺术研究项目协同合作,为音视频呈现提供了一种全新的展示方式。
Martin Rieger labels his profession as 360° sound production, which sees him taking a holistic approach to virtual reality productions, taking more elements into account in the recording and mixing process than traditionally, and crafting the storytelling throughout the entire process.
With his studies in media technology and production, he has a good overview of technologies in exceed of audio.
Dávid Rikk
Budapest based live sound engineer Dávid Rikk, is the head of sound at Akvárium Klub, Hungary’s biggest indoor venue with multiple concert halls. His primary goal is to bring concerts closer to the audience by creating a massive yet still dynamic sounding show and transmit the personality and intimacy of the performing artist. This attitude is behind creating AMBEO 360 @ Akvárium Klub series.
Katarina Hagstedt
Katarina is a Swiss based podcast producer and the founder of the Swiss Podcast Club, creator’s collective which aims to bring great podcasts out of Switzerland through exchange and knowledge sharing.
Georg Bleikolm
Georg Bleikolm was born in Lausanne and settled in Zurich 15 years ago. His heart oscillates between music, science, technology and media. Before he decided to concentrate on his solo projects “KnoR” Georg Bleikolm toured worldwide as a drummer with various bands for a decade and worked as a music producer.
Andrés Mayo
Andrés Mayo, former President of the AES (Audio Engineering Society), is an audio engineer and music producer who has pioneered the art of mastering since 1992. He boasts credits in more than 3,000 albums released in vinyl, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, streaming and 360-degree audio formats.