


Digital 6000开辟了新的通道并设定了新的标准。该系统没有互调干扰,支持等间隔布置工作频率,即使在拥挤或非常窄的频率范围内,也能够实现可靠的信号传输。饱受赞誉的长距离工作模式(LR模式)保证了良好的性能质量。新增加的Link Density链路密度模式(LD模式)则将可用的通道数量增加一倍。



任何尺寸的演出舞台、各种类型的节目制作,Digital 6000系列先进的无互调干扰射频技术,确保了在非常窄的频带范围内,新增的通道也同样稳定和可靠。全新的Link Density链路密度模式对通道数量进行了加倍。在1MHz频带范围内可容纳5个通道,很大程度上提升了频谱效率。这不仅仅是纸面上的理论技术参数,而是已经在实际的商业应用中崭露头角的现实。无论是浸透汗水的运动场景,还是其它对于射频表现有更严苛要求的应用环境,全新的LD模式都让你无所畏惧。



Digital 6000 系列与超轻型 SK 6212 腰包相结合,对任何节目制作而言都意义非凡。迷你腰包仅有 112 克,虽然小巧,但能够使用 12 小时。由于 SK6212 的紧凑特性,需要专业传输技术的动态舞台表演和制作场景已将它作为新的参考蓝本。



即使在严苛的射频 (RF) 场景中,Digital 6000 系统也能提供更好的音质和更宽的动态范围,与我们专有的 Sennheiser Digital Audio Codec (SeDAC) 一起使用,可确保在任何环境下都能获得高质量的声音。


Link Density Mode

Link Density Mode

Twice the number of channels. 更多细节


  • 快速指南
    • Quick Guide EM 6000 | EM 6000 DANTE (2.7 MB) 下载

      PDF version of the EM 6000 & EM 6000 DANTE receiver's printed quick guide

    • Quick Guide SK 6000 / SKM 6000 (1.1 MB) 下载

      PDF version of the SK 6000 bodypack transmitter's and SKM 6000 handheld transmitter's printed quick guide

    • Quick Guide L 6000 | LM 6060 | LM 6061 | LM 6062 | LM 6070 (3.7 MB) 下载

      PDF version of the L 6000 charger's printed quick guide (including the charging modules LM 6060, LM 6061 and LM 6062)

  • 欧盟符合性声明
    • EU Declaration of Conformity L 6000 / LM 6060 / LM 6061 / LM 6062 (820 KB) 下载

    • EU Declaration of Conformity SK 6212 / BA 62 (170 KB) 下载

    • EU Declaration of Conformity EM 6000 (340 KB) 下载

    • EU Declaration of Conformity SK 6000 / SK 9000 (310 KB) 下载

    • EU Declaration of Conformity SKM 6000 / SKM 9000 / SKM 9000 COM (350 KB) 下载

  • 发行说明
    • Release Notes – Firmware EM 6000 v3.2.1 (incl. SK/SKM 6000 v1.1.51 & SK 6212 v1.3.23) (120 KB) 下载

  • 规格表
    • Product Specification SK 6212 (340 KB) 下载

    • Product specification L 6000 (300 KB) 下载

      Detailed product specification of the modular L 6000 network-enabled charger of the Digital 6000 series

    • Product specification EM 6000 (390 KB) 下载

      Detailed product specification of the EM 6000 / EM 6000 DANTE receiver of the Digital 6000 series

    • Product specification SKM 6000 (260 KB) 下载

      Detailed product specification of the SKM 6000 handheld transmitter of the Digital 6000 series

    • Product specification SK 6000 (310 KB) 下载

      Detailed product specification of the SK 6000 bodypack transmitter of the Digital 6000 series

  • Architects Specifications
    • Architect's specification SK 6212 (15 KB) 下载

    • Architect's specification EM 6000 / EM 6000 DANTE (15 KB) 下载

    • Architect's specification SK 6000 (15 KB) 下载

    • Architect's specification SKM 6000 (15 KB) 下载

    • Architect's specification L 6000 (14 KB) 下载

  • 固件更新
    • Firmware Audinate Brooklyn II (Dante Type 1) v2.1.0.12 (4 MB) 下载

      Firmware Update for Audinate Brooklyn II Dante interface of EM 6000 DANTE receiver with ONE Dante port (Device Type 1).

    • Firmware Audinate Brooklyn II (Dante Type 2) v2.1.0.12 (4 MB) 下载

      Firmware Update for Audinate Brooklyn II Dante interface of EM 6000 DANTE receiver with TWO Dante ports (Device Type 2).

    • Firmware EM 6000 v 3.2.1 (including SK/SKM 6000 v 1.1.52 and SK 6212 v1.3.23) (4.3 MB) 下载

      Firmware update for EM 6000 v3.2.1 (including SK 6000/SKM 6000 v1.1.51 and SK 6212 v1.3.23)

  • 使用说明书
    • Instruction manual - Digital 6000 (HTML) 下载

      Interactive instruction manual for all products of the Sennheiser Digital 6000 series: EM 6000, EM 6000 DANTE, SKM 6000, SK 6000, L 6000

    • Instruction manual - Digital 6000 (v4.0) (PDF) (3.1 MB) 下载

      Printable PDF version of the interactive instruction manual of the Digital 6000 series.

  • Media Control Protocols
    • Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol Digital 6000 (EM 6000 | L 6000) (530 KB) 下载

      Developer's guide for using the Sennheiser Sound Control Protocol for the EM 6000 and the L 6000 of the Digital 6000 series.

  • 安全提示和监管信息
    • Specifications, manufacturer declarations and regulatory Information - SK 6000_SKM 6000 (540 KB) 下载

      PDF version of the printed specifications and manufacturer declarations booklet of the Digital 6000 series.

    • Compliance Sheet EM 6000 (incl. EM 6000 DANTE) | L 6000 (550 KB) 下载

      PDF version of the printed Compliance Sheet for the EM 6000 (and EM 6000 DANTE) receiver and the L 6000 charger.

    • Safety instructions LM 6060 | LM 6061 | LM 6062 | LM 6070 (590 KB) 下载

      PDF version of the printed safety instructions for the LM 6060, LM 6061 and LM 6062 charging modules.

    • Safety instructions SK 6000 | SKM 6000 (640 KB) 下载

      PDF version of the printed safety instructions for the SK 6000 and SKM 6000 transmitters of the Digital 6000 series.

  • 技术图纸
    • Outline dimensions EM 6000 / EM 6000 DANTE (PDF) (270 KB) 下载

    • Outline dimensions SK 6000 (PDF) (290 KB) 下载

    • Outline dimensions SKM 6000 (PDF) (240 KB) 下载

    • Outline dimensions L 6000 (PDF) (280 KB) 下载

  • 3rd Party Integration
    • 3rd party control of Sennheiser products using media control protocols (210 KB) 下载

  • 安全指南
    • Safety instructions EM 6000 | L6000 (3.7 MB) 下载

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